Tutor Information

Please enter your first and last name as written in your documents
Per favore inserisci il tuo nome e cognome come scritto nei tuoi documenti
Select Foreign Country, if you are not from Italy
Select Day
Select Month
Select Year
Select Gender
Google Maps was unable to locate the indicated address, please complete all the fields below:
Google Maps non è riuscito a individuare l'indirizzo da te indicato, ti preghiamo di completare tutti i campi di seguito riportati:
Codice Fiscale not available

Please enter a phone number connected to your Whatsapp account

You will use this email to log-in to TutorYou

Education Information

* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory
* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory
* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory

* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory
* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory

Education Information (High School)

* ATTENTION: This field is mandatory

Program Information

If you did a program other than IB or A-Levels, please specify your final grade here.
IB or A-Level/AS-Level Subjects Level Grade
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select HL Subject
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select HL Subject
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select HL Subject
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select HL/SL Subject
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select SL Subject
* ATTENTION: complete the entire line before continuing   Select SL Subject

Tutoring Subjects

MYP Education




IB or A-Level/AS-Level Subjects

IB A/AS-Level






Please specify any other qualifications you can provide tutoring in:

Support with University Applications



Common App *


StudieLink *


Direct Application *


I accept the Tutoring Service Contract, including the designation as Responsible for the processing of personal data of any students assigned to me. *

I have read the information in accordance with art. 13 Regulation UE 679/2016 and

Consents * Does not consent
To the processing of personal data in the manner indicated in the aforementioned information notice pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, as specified in point C11 for the publication of the images taken during the Events and Revision Courses on social networks, website, illustrative materials and other means of dissemination related to TutorYou, for educational, informative and promotional purposes.

*Granting of consent for the processing referred to in point C, item 11 is mandatory and refusal will make it impossible to establish cooperation.

Consents * Does not consent
To the processing of personal data in the manner indicated in the aforementioned information notice pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, as specified in points C5 and 6 for direct mailing and/or direct marketing activities, also for promotional purposes, on its own behalf and on behalf of third parties, market research activities in the field of marketing and online communication, as well as in collaboration with partners, such as, by way of example, research institutes, public and private entities, associations, universities or public or private educational institutions.

*The granting of consent for the processing referred to under section C, points 5 and 6 is mandatory.

PLEASE NOTE: Accept the conditions to Register